Hello all. I am working on an advanced [at least I'd like to call it that] audio player. Currently, it supports .wmv and .mp3
It has the ability to recursively grab all .wmv and .mp3 files in any chosen folder, and add them to a playlist.
When opening the playlist, my program adds all the songs to an array, then starts adding the songs to a listview, categorizing them by song, artist, album, and genre, using a dll to access the ID3v1 tags on the .mp3 file.
It can successfully create playlists of thousands of songs at a somewhat okay speed, the problem is loading that into the categorized listview.
It used around 75% of my friend's CPU while loading his 5k+ song playlist into the listview, and it never finished after loading it in for a couple minutes (it auto updates as it loads, because it is done in a new thread.)
It never finished because his OS has a bug where, if the CPU usage is over 100% for more then a few mins, it BSOD's, but that's beside the point.
His CPU, by the way, is a quad core 2.33 GHZ processor.
The listview loads thousands of songs by using a lot of CPU [low amount of RAM, less then 40MB 99% of the time], and it does it slowly. Any help to lower the amount of CPU usage, and possibly in exchange, increase the RAM usage, as well as increasing the speed in general of loading the songs into the listview, is highly appreciated.
The main sub that loads it in [this sub is ran in a new thread]
I've already redone the sub once or twice to speed it up, and at the moment it's 2-3x faster then it originally was, but it is still very cpu-heavy and quite slow, so any help on improving it is highly appreciated.
Thanks for the help guys!
It has the ability to recursively grab all .wmv and .mp3 files in any chosen folder, and add them to a playlist.
When opening the playlist, my program adds all the songs to an array, then starts adding the songs to a listview, categorizing them by song, artist, album, and genre, using a dll to access the ID3v1 tags on the .mp3 file.
It can successfully create playlists of thousands of songs at a somewhat okay speed, the problem is loading that into the categorized listview.
It used around 75% of my friend's CPU while loading his 5k+ song playlist into the listview, and it never finished after loading it in for a couple minutes (it auto updates as it loads, because it is done in a new thread.)
It never finished because his OS has a bug where, if the CPU usage is over 100% for more then a few mins, it BSOD's, but that's beside the point.
His CPU, by the way, is a quad core 2.33 GHZ processor.
The listview loads thousands of songs by using a lot of CPU [low amount of RAM, less then 40MB 99% of the time], and it does it slowly. Any help to lower the amount of CPU usage, and possibly in exchange, increase the RAM usage, as well as increasing the speed in general of loading the songs into the listview, is highly appreciated.
The main sub that loads it in [this sub is ran in a new thread]
Sub dosinglelist()
Dim mdi = Nothing
For doint = 0 To music.Count - 1
Dim MP3 As New UltraID3
mdi = music(doint)
songnamevar = MP3.ID3v1Tag.Title
albumvar = MP3.ID3v1Tag.Album
artistvar = MP3.ID3v1Tag.Artist
genrevar = MP3.ID3v1Tag.GenreName
End Try
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(songnamevar) = True Or String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(songnamevar) = True Then
Dim tempmdi As String = ToName(mdi)
songnamevar = tempmdi.Substring(0, tempmdi.Length - 4)
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(songnamevar) = True Or String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(songnamevar) = True Then
songnamevar = "N/A"
End If
End If
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(artistvar) = True Or String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artistvar) = True Then
artistvar = "N/A"
End If
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(albumvar) = True Or String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(albumvar) = True Then
albumvar = "N/A"
End If
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(genrevar) = True Or String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genrevar) = True Then
genrevar = "N/A"
End If
Invoke(New ThreadStart(AddressOf dorowsinsert))
Catch ex As Exception
songnamevar = "N/A"
albumvar = "N/A"
artistvar = "N/A"
genrevar = "N/A"
Invoke(New ThreadStart(AddressOf dorowsinsert))
End Try
Next doint
listloading = False
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Major error loading playlist visually! Will try again..." & Environment.NewLine & ex.ToString)
End Try
End Sub
Sub dorowsinsert()
Dim str(3) As String
Dim itm As ListViewItem
str(0) = songnamevar
str(1) = artistvar
str(2) = albumvar
str(3) = genrevar
itm = New ListViewItem(str)
End Sub
I've already redone the sub once or twice to speed it up, and at the moment it's 2-3x faster then it originally was, but it is still very cpu-heavy and quite slow, so any help on improving it is highly appreciated.
Thanks for the help guys!