I need to install the Microfost updates for about 35 XP machines. All the update files are located on a remote server. There are many files.
So far I have the following but it does not work:
Not sure what to do next or if I am even going in the right direction.
Mike V
So far I have the following but it does not work:
Imports WUApiLib
Dim Us As UpdateSession
Dim Updates As UpdateCollection
Dim download As UpdateDownloader
Dim usearch As UpdateSearcher
Dim usresult
Dim patch
Dim a As Integer
Dim updateTitle As String
Dim sComputer As String
sComputer = "NMCSDPC-HYHXVK1"
Updates = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl", sComputer)
Us = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
updateTitle = "Security Updates WindowsXP-KB971468-x86-ENU.exe"
download = Us.CreateUpdateDownloader()
usearch = Us.CreateUpdateSearcher()
usresult = usearch.Search("IsInstalled=0 Or IsInstalled=1 and Type='Software'") [color=green]' This is where it bombs out. [/color]
For a = 0 To usresult.Updates.Count - 1
patch = usresult.Updates.Item(a)
If UCase(updateTitle) = UCase(patch.Title) Then
End If
Sub getUpdates()
End Sub
Not sure what to do next or if I am even going in the right direction.
Mike V