Need RegEx help. How can I grab anything between a set of apostrophes?


Active member
Sep 13, 2011
Programming Experience
My app needs to Parse the text to grab only the numbers, letters inside the apstrophes as seen below.

challenge : '03AHJ_VusHZDEr-qZYnfmRm4QbevEdYMXPLUibIP-bInEgiAPc0tk4e5MAVntRv_JbvD0q51aJOQp1FZ8RmIaMGt-Te9CSwkZyJhvSK70ZvdOA0AhPJz76t1FhXekXWIuor6YqdVwbqXSFlUSQvi9eL455ojSBkoQW_w'

My current string for this is the same as above but my regex to get only the information between these apstrophnes doesn't return a results.

Note that I am trying to get all letters and numbers [a-zA-Z0-9]. My main issue is that the code has random - and _ codes in the challenge.

How can I configure my Regex to just grab anything inside the apstrophes?


Sub RegExGet1()

        Dim value As String = "'challenge : '03AHJ_VusHZDEr-qZYnfmRm4QbevEdYMXPLUibIP-bInEgiAPc0tk4e5MAVntRv_JbvD0q51aJOQp1FZ8RmIaMGt-Te9CSwkZyJhvSK70ZvdOA0AhPJz76t1FhXekXWIuor6YqdVwbqXSFlUSQvi9eL455ojSBkoQW_w'"
         Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(ResponseIT.Text, "'challenge : '[a-zA-Z0-9]'", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
        If (m.Success) Then
            Dim key As String = m.Groups(1).Value
            KeyIt.Text = (key)
        End If
    End Sub
I would just not use RegEx personally....

key = value.Substring(value.IndexOf(": '") + 3, value.LastIndexOf("'") - value.IndexOf(": '") - 3)
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While i don't want to go into the debate about parsing HTML using regular expressions. It's an option, One that i do use a lot.

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Public Class MainForm
    Private Sub MatchHtml()
        Dim value As String = "'challenge :   '03AHJ_VusHZDEr-qZYnfmRm4QbevEdYMXPLUibIP-bInEgiAPc0tk4e5MAVntRv_JbvD0q51aJOQp1FZ8RmIaMGt-Te9CSwkZyJhvSK70ZvdOA0AhPJz76t1FhXekXWIuor6YqdVwbqXSFlUSQvi9eL455ojSBkoQW_w'"
        Dim pattern As String = "(?<='challenge : ').+(?=')"
        Dim regex As New Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled)
        Dim match As Match = regex.Match(value)

        If match.Success Then
            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Challenge : {0}{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, match.Value))
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

Dim pattern As String = "(?<='challenge : ').+(?=')"
You can also do the opposite and get the group value, it is sometimes more efficient and also easier to code than lookarounds:
        Dim input As String = "'challenge : '03AHJ_VusHZDEr-qZYnfmRm4QbevEdYMXPLUibIP-bInEgiAPc0tk4e5MAVntRv_JbvD0q51aJOQp1FZ8RmIaMGt-Te9CSwkZyJhvSK70ZvdOA0AhPJz76t1FhXekXWIuor6YqdVwbqXSFlUSQvi9eL455ojSBkoQW_w'"
        Dim pattern As String = "challenge : '(.+)'"
        Dim m As Match = Regex.Match(input, pattern)
        Dim value = m.Groups(1).Value