The button (which is actually a label) is declared as "Friend" in the base class and I presume that's how it's made available to the derived classes.
The declaration for the "SAVE" button in the base form is:
Friend With Events SaveButton As System.Windows.Forms.Label
The code for the sub in the derived class is:
Protected Sub SaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click
As I said, the code executes perfectly. I guess I'm going to have to make a dummy (blank) sub in the base class to trap the event and override it in the inherited classes. Seems tacky..... When I get these error messages, I can only assume that I'm doing things the wrong way.
The books I use for reference are great at discussing slightly advanced theory but don't help newbies with the mundane basics. I'd like to find a book that teaches VB.NET from the ground - up, for people that do not have experience with VB4, 5 or 6, but need more than "VB for Idiots". Right now my best reference is "Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET" by Francesco Balena. This is a great book (much better the third time through) but several topics go right over my head.