Need Help With An ADO Connection String


Jul 19, 2008
Programming Experience

I created a very simple form with a Datagrind that is attached to a MS Access database named Vehicles.accdb. I created the binding with OleDbConnection1, OleDbDataAdapter1 and Dataset11.

The database location will change so I've tried to include a string variable in the connection string (as defined in OleDataAdapter1 properties). I tried loading the string with the location, in the Form_Load event, but OleDbDataAdapter1.fill(DataSet11) fails each time.

I hope someone has a suggestion regarding how to make this work. I apologize for the nOOb question.

Thanks in advance for the help.
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Need a solution for VS 2002

I loved the video, Matt, but I am using VS 2002 which does not give me the property setting window shown in the video. I went home for lunch and tried to follow the video but I could not find a way to view the settings as shown.

Do you have any other suggestions? I don't mean to be a pest but this simple problem is killing me.

Thanks again.