Need Help Regarding Chat Server Implementation Using .NET Remoting/Sockets

Shams Zia

New member
Aug 26, 2005
Programming Experience
Hi Guys,

I'm doing some sort of research regarding how to develop a chat client/server application... either using .NET Remoting or Sockets or both. I need some good advices from you guys in order to design my application. To understand the domain of my application please keep in view the following major requirements:

1. Text and Voice Chat
2. Each client will only communicate to the server for (1) authentication and (2) to get list of other authenticated clients currently online or offline.
3. Once the client get information about other clients then it would be able to communicate with other clients without any trip to the server.
4. Server will keep periodically (say after 3 minutes) updating the clients with client states (online/offline).
5. If some how server goes down.. it should not affect the clients communication based on the list they already had.

At last i wanna know is it possible to use remoting for text based chatting and sockets for voice chat. Does this combination will work or it will have socket registration problems...????


Based on the information provided above... i've a rough sketch of the design of my application but i really want it to be verified....
what i assume that in case where each client will be able to communicate with other client without any trip to the server.... i prefer remoting... because each client hosting a remote object can entertain other clients... without any trip to the server.... hmm.. but this way .. every client will act like a server to other clients..... lets say its agreed ... then how do we setup voice chat...?? with this scenario can we open socket using UDP....????

i left this riddle upto you guys with requirements list...
i really need help on this topic.....


Shams Zia