I got followin code:
"birthday" is MySQL 'Date' Format
"PLZ" is Varchar(5)
my problem:
I bind the data to my forms textboxes - they are shown correctly.
But if I try to change the birthday-date an leave the textbox - the system overrides the input and there is still the old value. that is only in Date-Value-Textboxes. Text/Number (e.g. "PLZ") or other works fine!
there is no handle to do this event!
My connection string includes Allow Zero DateTime = Ture -> that is the problem! False works fine, but I have to use Null-Value Datefields! the strange thing is, that there is a validated date I try to change.
If I try
it fails with following german error:
how can I bind date values - or what do I have to do to make it work.
I got followin code:
Dim dt_antragsteller As DataTable
Dim da_antragsteller As MySqlDataAdapter
Dim cb_antragsteller As MySqlCommandBuilder
Dim bs_antragsteller As New BindingSource
dt_antragsteller = New DataTable
da_antragsteller = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [...]", conn)
cb_antragsteller = New MySqlCommandBuilder(da_antragsteller)
bs_antragsteller.DataSource = dt_antragsteller
My.Forms.Formular.PLZ.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", bs_antragsteller, "PLZ"))
My.Forms.Formular.Geb.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", bs_antragsteller, "birthday"))
"birthday" is MySQL 'Date' Format
"PLZ" is Varchar(5)
my problem:
I bind the data to my forms textboxes - they are shown correctly.
But if I try to change the birthday-date an leave the textbox - the system overrides the input and there is still the old value. that is only in Date-Value-Textboxes. Text/Number (e.g. "PLZ") or other works fine!
there is no handle to do this event!
My connection string includes Allow Zero DateTime = Ture -> that is the problem! False works fine, but I have to use Null-Value Datefields! the strange thing is, that there is a validated date I try to change.
If I try
dt_antragsteller.Rows(0)("birthday") = "1990-08-22"
dt_antragsteller.Rows(0)("birthday") = "1990-08-22 00:00:00"
I try to translate:Der Typ des Werts stimmt nicht mit dem Spaltentyp überein<1990-08-22> konnte nicht in der birthday-Spalte gespeichert werden. Erwarteter Typ: MySqlDateTime.
the type of the value did not match to the column type <1990-08-22>
could not save the birthdy-column. expected Type: MySqlDateTime.
how can I bind date values - or what do I have to do to make it work.