FYI My Leveling Script, just wanted to share!

Ryker Wells

Feb 9, 2012
Fort Kent, ME
Programming Experience
  Dim Merch As Double = 1
    Dim OverallExp As Integer = 0
    Dim MerchExp As Integer = 0
    Dim MerchExpneeded As Integer = 175
    Dim r As Integer = 1
    Dim M As Integer = 10
    Dim it As Integer = 175
    Dim Raddcount As Integer = 0
    Dim Rampit As Integer = 1

If (MerchExp >= MerchExpneeded And Merch <= 99) Then
            Merch += 1
            Merch_lvl.Text = CInt(Merch)
            MerchExpneeded += (175) * (1 + r)
            Raddcount += Rampit
            If (Raddcount = M) Then
                r += 1
                If (M = 10) Then
                    M -= 5
                    Rampit += 1
                End If
                Raddcount = 0
            End If
        End If

Noted items:

1. the If statement is in a button

2. Merch_lvl is a text box that outputs the level

basically it says you start at level 1 and it requires 175 exp to get level two

after that it requires 175 * 2 for level three and so on

Eventually "r" goes up in single intervals (r+1) to (r+2) to (r+3) until you hit level 10 and then goes up to intervals of 2 (r+5) to (r+7) and so on.

So leveling is pretty fast but if you wanted to make it slower you could increase how much r increases by per so many levels as well

Right now getting to level 100 is about 250,000 exp

I put this up here in case anyone would like to use this or find it useful!
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Thanks for sharing, however you've got at least one 'issue' with your code that you might want to address.... can you see a problem with this
Yea like ^ he said I was going to say, is it unneeded? If so seems how i love learning this stuff I'm going to poke your brain because I'm curious as to why, sloppy programming? :) thanks!