MS Word table to Excel


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Programming Experience

What would be the best way of importing the contents of table from a Word file to a XLS file.

Copying the table from the Word file to XLS does not work as the contents of the table have soft and hard returns so when pasting in to XLS the contents are split across several cells.

I am able to open a Word file in VB.NET but do not know how to copy the contents of the table to the program and then to an XLS file.

Any help or code example is appreciated.

Thank You

Thank You for the link, unfortunately my coding skills is limited so I had problems understanding the sample code.

However I did come across some other sample code that will export data from a datagrid to an Excel file so what I need now is help on getting the contents of a table from a DOC file to a. datagrid.

Would you be able provide this code or a link to where I may find it.

Thanks for the help