ms access to dat file (vice versa)


Active member
Mar 4, 2009
Programming Experience
hi everyone... anyone knows how to convert a ms access database to dat file or open a dat file to ms access...

or is it possible to create a data inside a dat file or is it read only?

thanks to anyone who could answer this... =)
Dat files are regular text files, usually some type of delmited structured ascii file. There is plenty of information throughout this site on how to read & write to files. If you need further help I would suggest asking a more specific question(s).
so i can be able to write data on a .dat file extension? im only able to read... but i dont have any idea if i could write on to it.. coz im having problem regarding on my system... and i need to add a few lines on the database in which it is in a .dat file...
A dat file is not a database just a regular file. You should be able to write to it as long as you have permissions
Dark, you can rename any file to have any extension you want and it doesnt have to relate to the type of file at all. DAT, to my knowledge, is just a generic extension that signifies the file contains data (which is dumb because all files contain data) like TXT generally signifies that a file contains text data (which is also dumb because, due to different character sets, you might open a TXT file and find it full of unprintable characters on your copy of windows)

If the DAT file contains text, and you need to add some lines, you should be asking how to append lines to a text file, not how to read and write a DAT file.. Treat the book based on its CONTENT, not its cover
hi everyone,

im trying to rename my access database to .DAT file... but it happens that the program doesnt recognized it... from mdb to dat... i cant change the structure of the old database even if i rename it back to mdb because it is a read-only...

any ideas....