Mouse Gesture in Webbrowser


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Programming Experience
Hey guys, I just joined this forum but have 3-5 years experience with VB.NET. I created a browser in VB.NET and want to incorporate mouse gestures like in Opera and some IE based browsers like maxthon, Avant etc.

I think I will need to capture mouse clicks and mouse move in the WndProc of the browser. However, I noticed that no events are fired for mousemove. I can capture mouse clicks though.

Has anyone programmed mouse gestures for a IE based browser in VB.NET?
Any help would be appreciated.
The easiest approach would be to handle the MouseMove event of each HtmlDocument that was loaded, but it doesn't work over embedded objects in document like the many Flash ads you see in just about all webpages... so they probably use a system wide Mouse Hook.

By the way, you're not getting messages to Wndproc because the Webbrowser control is a wrapper for an ActiveX control that hosts the rendered document object, so even with a NativeWindow class to get messages from the COM component you'd have trouble finding the correct window handle to listen for.