modified form doesnt present?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2005
Programming Experience
[solved]modified form doesnt present?

hi all, i have 2 forms, frmA and frmB. on frmA i have a button, contains code:
dim frmB as new frmB

I did this a while ago. today, i made some change to frmB, and then press the button on frmA at runtime, the frmB appeared as it was before it's modified. why is that? plz help
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more interesting is that even after i deleted frmB permenantly from Solution Explorer, at run time, when i click on the button, the old frmB still comes out?! Is there anywhere else store frmB that i need to make change on?
I added another button on frmA, it didnt appear at runtime on frmA, so i think there is something wrong with frmA?
I tried to change every single screen, nothing happens at runtime, why is that? Is there anything stoping the changes?
well, solved now.
there was an error in code somewhere irrelevant to anything at all, i ran the app by ignoring it, and VB.NET didnt allow any changes on the screens to appear untill i got rid of that error.
Stupid program!
anyway, that was fun, thx for reading and trying to help