Missing .exe


New member
Jun 1, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi :)!!

I'm a beginner with VB.NET and I'm having some problems which I hope you can help me solve.

I'm trying to create a PDA and when I try to execute what I've done (Debug>Start) I get an error message saying that the debug target E:\MyProject.exe is mssing. Please buil the project and try again.

I have already built the project and still doesn't works

I sincerily don't know what to do, in previous experience with VB.NET I never had to create a .exe file.

What am I doing wrong :confused: ?

Thank you
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make sure you are not just saving the form. Make sure you save all the files. one suggestion is use "Save All". Try to run it then and I believe it will work:D
ensure that e:\ is accessible to do and that it does indeed sontain the necessary exe

it is actually more usual for you to save your projects in a projects folder.. and each project will have its own folder, such as:
E:\My VS2005 Pojects\TestPDA

In this case the projects folder is E:\ My VS2005 Projects
The name of the project (and its folder) is TestPDA
inside testpda you would find a BIN folder, with debug and release in it. The debug version is what VS will try to start. Ensure VS has permission to write and read the file, that the path exists and it is not being removed by e.g. a virus scanner