Question Missing Design View on windows form


May 6, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi Guys

Sorry if this has been posted before ive carried out numerous searches but couldnt locate anything.

I have a project which still runs fine without issue however i dont seem to be able to access the design view of Form1. The icon in soultions explorer has also changed from a form to a sinple vb reference. Im unable to right click in solutions explorer and view designer as there is no option there.

Any help would be appreicated as ive spent hours trying to recover this one view.
When you 'show all files' in Solution Explorer, can you expand the form class and it displays a form.Designer.vb file underneath?
Have you tried selecting Form1 in the Solutions Explorer, and then using the Main Menu (NOT the Popup menu), View - Designer?
When you 'show all files' in Solution Explorer, can you expand the form class and it displays a form.Designer.vb file underneath?

When i show all files within the solutions explorer i can see the form1.designer.vb however when i double click it all i see is my code not the design view. If i right click the option to view designer is no longer available.
The thing thats thrown me is the icon reference within the solutions explorer it no longer displays as a form.

error 1.JPG
Hi All

Ive found the resolution to this ive seen multiple posts across the net so hoping this will save some people some time. If you have the same issues as described above copy all your code out of the Form.Designer.vb window and copy it directly into the form.vb window. Go back to your designer and delete all the code from inside. Save both pages and upon saving the designer your icon will change back to a windows form and all accessability will be returned.

Thanks! It works....................!

What I did was,

- cut the complete designer.vb code to a Notepad
- saved the whole project with the empty designer.vb file
- closed and opened visual studio project again and Pasted the designer code back again to the designer.vb from the notepad

I got the design back.