Minimum requirement

I am sure that you can find a lot of internet articles about this but, in my experience, most of my app were installed and ran successfully even if the system satisfies the basic .NET Framework requirements only. Usually it is just enough for the applications too except if you don’t use a lot of graphics and stuff.
However it is best to be tested.
Visit your friends with old (weak) computers and test it installing your app there. That’s only way how you will be sure about minimum system requirements in order to run your app without any issue(s).
I have couple test machines at home which are used for this purpose.
However you cannot measure the minimum that precisely as you expect.
It depends on many factors anyway (free space on the disk, fragmentation etc. rather but only processor, memory and OS). Finally, do not worry that much about this /// it is 21st century and there are many potential customer with good hardware.

Regards ;)

P.S. For instance these are minimum requirements for .NET FW