Question Migration query


New member
Nov 17, 2011
Programming Experience
I am working on VB2005 as of now. should i migrate to VB2008 or VB2010?
Any immediate help is aopreciated.
There's very little point moving to VB 2008 now that VB 2010 has been released. There are only two reasons that i can think of to stick with VB 2005 rather than moving to VB 2010:

1. You need to share projects with other VB 2005 users. Once a project is upgraded it cannot then be opened in the older version IDE.

2. You are using a paid-for edition of VS (i.e. not VB Express), you need some features that are not in VB 2010 Express and you don't want to pay for the upgrade to VS 2010.

Otherwise, there's really no point not upgrading. All your existing projects should upgrade without the need for any changes. Pretty much anything written in VB 2005 will be valid in VB 2010. VB 2005 could target .NET 2.0 only, while VB 2010 can still target .NET 2.0 but also supports 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0. You get lots of new features in the VB language, the .NET Framework and the IDE.