Microsoft Access Database 2007 OR Microsoft MS SQL Server 2008 Database?


Mar 9, 2009
Programming Experience
Hi all, i have several question about choosing which database to use for my application development.

I am going to develop a non-internet application for a child care centre to manage all of their informations. I am familiar with Microsoft Access Database interacts with windows application . But i wanted to try to use MS SQL Server Database and currently i am still new to Microsoft MS SQL Server database. Ok, now my question is :

After i create a database by using my computer MS SQL Server 2008 developer edition (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio), then i detach from the SQL server and put that .mdf file into my Visual Studio Project File. After all the development, i build the project and produce a setup file for them to install. Then i was thinking something in my mind by refering to this link SQL Server 2008: Editions

First : I create a database by using my MS SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition, therefore the maximum size of the .mdf file can hold is Unlimited? After i install the application to the child care centre, it can store up to Unlimited Data ( Maximum capacity of hard disk spaces) ?

Second : Do the child care center need to install MS SQL Server in order to connect my application with the .mdf file?

Kind Regards,
1. MDF files have no size limit. The size limit is imposed by the server managing the data file. SQL Server Express will limit a data file to 4GB, but the same data file can grow beyond that when attached to a full SQL Server instance.

2. Yes, which is the whole point of a server-based database.