Merging 2 files ?


New member
Dec 2, 2010
Programming Experience
I am VERY new to coding, and have had perhaps 90 hours of coding under my belt; so please bear with me

IM building a relational database in VB about Cars. This database at the moment has 3 files holding information about Cars, Customers and Quotations.

First questions: How do i merge 2 files together so that i can have say "customer ID" on 2 of the files, that change simultaneously.

Secondly - if i store data about cars, is there a way that i could transfer that data to another table / an editable place, again having the same data perhaps in 2 files.

I will happily post my rubbish program here if anyone is willing to help me :)
Thank you
OK - having had a look on this brillaint website i could use an Array to hold data about the Cars; Could i use the same method for holding data about the customers ? and then producing a quoation a the end.
Given that you mention an RDBMSW I wouldnt immediately go and look at arrays as a data cntainer.Take a look at the DW4 link in my signature, specifically the tutorial Creating a Simple Data Application

At the end of it you'll have an idea of how to get data into and out of your program. Creating reports is the step beyond this fundamental..