I'm having System.OutOfMemoryException from my application. I've tried various ways to free up memory but still fail to do so. Unfortunately there is so much code to be posted so I will ask if some of the concept here is causing the problem.
The app will read 4 csv file for about 16 million line of data altogether and store them into array of object. First the main object is created with multiple array object define in it. Then all the line read from the csv file will be stored in the 4 array of objectType. Later it is used to calculate catalyst score and the score are stored into array within the main object. The object and process are shown below.
These are the steps i've taken to reduce memory consumption.
1. Use pass by reference for big chunk of data and pass by value is used only for single data.
2. Seperate process into different sub so after when a sub is exited the memory would be free for other processes.
3. Always set arrays = nothing at the end of usage.
4. I tried to free thread's memory consumption but not sure if it is doing right. Code shown right below
Is there any practices that could allow the application to run using minimal memory?
The app will read 4 csv file for about 16 million line of data altogether and store them into array of object. First the main object is created with multiple array object define in it. Then all the line read from the csv file will be stored in the 4 array of objectType. Later it is used to calculate catalyst score and the score are stored into array within the main object. The object and process are shown below.
Public Class Object1_Class
Public arrayObjectType1A() As ObjectBlock
Public arrayObjectType1B() As ObjectBlock
Public arrayObjectType2A() As ObjectBlock
Public arrayObjectType2B() As ObjectBlock
Public arrayCatalyst1() As Double
Public arrayCatalyst2() As Double
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ObjectBlock
Public dtDate As Date
Public dbStart, dbMax, dbMinimum, dbEnd, dbAccumulation As Double
Public Sub New(ByVal dtDate As Date, ByVal dbStart As Double, ByVal dbEnd As Double, ByVal dbMinimum As Double, ByVal dbMax As Double, ByVal dbAccumulation As Double)
Me.dtDate = dtDate
Me.dbStart = dbMax
Me.dbEnd = dbEnd
Me.dbMinimum = dbMinimum
Me.dbMax = dbMax
Me.dbAccumulation = dbAccumulation
End Sub
End Class
Private Sub btnBeta1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBeta.Click
End Sub
Public Sub DataProcessing()
Dim MainObject As Object1_Class = New Object1_Class()
Dim timeStart As Date = Now()
Dim neutralValue As Integer = 10000
Dim span As TimeSpan
ReadData("Type1", "DataFile1-A", MainObject.arrayObjectType1A, dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value)
ReadData("Type1", "DataFile1-B", MainObject.arrayObjectType1B, dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value)
ReadData("Type1", "DataFile2-A", MainObject.arrayObjectType2A, dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value)
ReadData("Type1", "DataFile2-B", MainObject.arrayObjectType2B, dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value)
For i = 1 To 20
CatalystProcessing(MainObject.arrayObjectType1B, i)
Dim fileName As String = fileLocation & "\Temp\Catalyst.csv"
Dim maxArrayLength As Long = MainObject.arrayObjectType1B.Length - 1
Dim fileLineArray() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileName)
ReDim MainObject.arrayCatalyst1(fileLineArray.Length - 1)
For j = 0 To fileLineArray.Length - 1
MainObject.arrayCatalyst1(j) = CDbl(fileLineArray(j))
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("I Loop")
End Try
For h = 1 To 20
If i < h And h - i >= 5 Then
CatalystProcessing(MainObject.arrayObjectType1B, h)
Dim fileLineArray() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileName)
ReDim MainObject.arrayCatalyst2(fileLineArray.Length - 1)
For j = 0 To fileLineArray.Length - 1
MainObject.arrayCatalyst2(j) = CDbl(fileLineArray(j))
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("H Loop")
End Try
span = Now.Subtract(timeStart)
Console.WriteLine("Finish at" & span.Hours & " Hour(s) " & span.Minutes & " Minute(s) " & span.Seconds & " Second(s) " & span.Milliseconds & " Millisecond(s) used")
Optimizer(maxArrayLength, neutralValue, i, h, timeStart, MainObject)
span = Now.Subtract(timeStart)
Console.WriteLine("Optimization Complete: " & span.Hours & " Hour(s) " & span.Minutes & " Minute(s) " & span.Seconds & " Second(s) " & span.Milliseconds & " Millisecond(s) used")
Erase MainObject.arrayCatalyst2
End If
Erase MainObject.arrayCatalyst2
End Sub
Public Sub ReadData(ByVal strType As String, ByVal strSelectedFile As String, ByRef objectBlockArray() As ObjectBlock, ByVal dtFrom As Date, ByVal dtTo As Date)
Dim fileName As String = fileLocation & strType & "\Compilation\" & strSelectedFile & ".csv"
Dim timeStart As Date = Now()
Dim fileLineArray() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileName)
Dim strArray() As String
ReDim Preserve objectBlockArray(fileLineArray.Length - 1)
Dim span As TimeSpan = Now.Subtract(timeStart)
'Console.WriteLine("Read Only " & span.Hours & " Hour(s) " & span.Minutes & " Minute(s) " & span.Seconds & " Second(s) " & span.Milliseconds & " Millisecond(s) used")
For i = 0 To fileLineArray.Length - 1
Dim strline As String = fileLineArray(i)
strArray = strline.Split(",")
objectBlockArray(i) = New ObjectBlock(strArray(0), strArray(1), strArray(2), strArray(3), strArray(4), strArray(5))
'span = Now.Subtract(timeStart)
'Console.WriteLine("Completion " & span.Hours & " Hour(s) " & span.Minutes & " Minute(s) " & span.Seconds & " Second(s) " & span.Milliseconds & " Millisecond(s) used")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub CatalystProcessing(ByRef arrayObjectBlock() As ObjectBlock, ByVal catalystPeriod As Integer)
Dim Catalyst_Array(arrayObjectBlock.Length - 1) As Double
Dim Multiplier As Double = 2 / (catalystPeriod + 1)
For h = 0 To arrayObjectBlock.Length - 1
If h < (catalystPeriod - 1) Then
Catalyst_Array(h) = 0
ElseIf h = catalystPeriod - 1 Then
Dim totalEnd As Double = 0
For i = h - (catalystPeriod - 1) To h
totalEnd += arrayObjectBlock(i).dbEnd
Catalyst_Array(h) = totalEnd / catalystPeriod
Dim currentClose As Double = arrayObjectBlock(h).dbEnd
Catalyst_Array(h) = (currentClose - Catalyst_Array(h - 1)) * Multiplier + Catalyst_Array(h - 1)
End If
Catalyst_Array(catalystPeriod - 1) = 0
'temporary store them into file to release resource for other usage
Dim textFile As String = fileLocation & "\Temp\Catalyst.csv"
Dim outFile As IO.StreamWriter = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(textFile, False)
For h = 0 To Catalyst_Array.Length - 1
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
These are the steps i've taken to reduce memory consumption.
1. Use pass by reference for big chunk of data and pass by value is used only for single data.
2. Seperate process into different sub so after when a sub is exited the memory would be free for other processes.
3. Always set arrays = nothing at the end of usage.
4. I tried to free thread's memory consumption but not sure if it is doing right. Code shown right below
If ThreadUtilization >= 1 Then
theProcess1 = New DataProcess(MainObject, maxArrayLength, neutralValue, i, h, timeStart, 0)
t1 = New Thread(AddressOf theProcess1.Test)
End If
While Not ThreadFound
If Not ThreadFound And ThreadUtilization >= 1 Then
If Not t1.IsAlive Then
theProcess1 = Nothing
t1 = Nothing
theProcess1 = New EMACrosses(MainObject, maxArrayLength, neutralValue, i, h, timeStart, EvenUp * 5)
t1 = New Thread(AddressOf theProcess1.Test)
ThreadFound = True
End If
End If
End While
Is there any practices that could allow the application to run using minimal memory?
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