Question Me.Controls() - Help with function


Apr 6, 2013
Programming Experience
Dear all,

I'm trying to write a generic code which would allow me to put a variable into me.Controls(Variable).text to specify the field value. I've tried to explain the problem below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance. MJC


My form has three fields: Myfield, MyField_A & MyField_B

Myfield_A and MyField_B are only available for selection if MyField = "Yes"

The code I'm trying to write would look at MyField and if is "yes" then it will make sure Fields A & B are enabled. If Myfield is = "No" then it will clear the values in fields A & B and then disable the fields.

The code is like this

' Beginning of Code

Select Case Me.MyField.Text
Case "Yes": iTF = True
Case Else: iTF = False
End Select

Dim i as variant
Dim iField as string: iField = ""
Dim iTF as boolan: iTF = false

For i = 1 to 2
Select Case i
Case 1: iField = "_A"
Case 2: iField = "_B"
End Select

if Not itf then Me.Controls(MyField & iField).Text =""
Me.Controls(MyField & iField).Enabled = itf


' End of Code

Note: This is a very simple example of the problem I'm trying to resolve.
Why use a TextBox with the Text set to "Yes" or "No" when the CheckBox control exists specifically for this type of thing? Simply add a CheckBox, handle its CheckedChanged event and copy the value of its Checked property to the Enabled property of each TextBox.