MDI Form Problem


Active member
Sep 5, 2008
Programming Experience
Hi all
I am using a Form to Create it as MDI Form. I have set IsMDIContainer property to TRUE so that it coluld be work as MDI Form, At this MDI Form I ahve used 3 panels which contains 3 dataGrids

Now My problem is that when i set a child form of this MDI Parent Form it does not show, or it is showing behind of the Panels.

I have Written code like this.
'' frmEdit is a form

frmEdit.MdiParent = Me
frmEdit.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized

Please help me so that this form colul made at top of all forms.
my understanding is that a mdi parent form does not typically have any controls on it (besides menus & toolbars etc). I had the same problem btw when I tried to use ToolStripContainer, the following forum topic on msdn is relevent: Re: ToolStripContainers and MDI applications - MSDN Forums.

I am wondering why your datagrid panels are on the mdi parent, and not on a child form?
Well thanks for ur response. but i think in .NET 2008 threre will be a facility to do this.

my understanding is that a mdi parent form does not typically have any controls on it (besides menus & toolbars etc). I had the same problem btw when I tried to use ToolStripContainer, the following forum topic on msdn is relevent: Re: ToolStripContainers and MDI applications - MSDN Forums.

I am wondering why your datagrid panels are on the mdi parent, and not on a child form?
You would need to set the Dock property of each Panel so that they are docked to the edges and the MdiClient that hosts the child forms will occupy the rest of the space.