- Joined
- Aug 30, 2011
- Messages
- 5
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- Beginner
In my program I run into trouble.
Please help solve the problem.
First, let me describe what I want to feature me of the problem.
I Function SPLITyahoomessage () to intercept the statement, the statement should not be captured through the interception.
Here I use x () array to the breakpoint.
But I say there are two windows in the pm 10:10 swept the first window of the sentence recorded in x (0) in
Then x (1) record from the second window of the sentence.
Here is a very strange x (0) memory from the sentence.
Here are the features I want to achieve
It will break out in the interception of sentence in accordance with the procedure.
But the second window x (1) I gradually during the scan, I found that x (1) had memorized the sentence re-enter
SPLITyahoomessage () in the time x (1) into nothing.
Please help me solve the problem .
Thank you.
Please help solve the problem.
First, let me describe what I want to feature me of the problem.
I Function SPLITyahoomessage () to intercept the statement, the statement should not be captured through the interception.
Here I use x () array to the breakpoint.
But I say there are two windows in the pm 10:10 swept the first window of the sentence recorded in x (0) in
Then x (1) record from the second window of the sentence.
Here is a very strange x (0) memory from the sentence.
Here are the features I want to achieve
It will break out in the interception of sentence in accordance with the procedure.
But the second window x (1) I gradually during the scan, I found that x (1) had memorized the sentence re-enter
SPLITyahoomessage () in the time x (1) into nothing.
Dim u As Integer Dim x() As String
Public Function SPLITyahoomessage() As Long
u = Val(ListBox1.SelectedIndex)
ca = Len(TextBox1.Text)
If ca > 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim lCount1 As Integer
lCount1 = 0
If ListBox1.SelectedIndex < 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim textBuilder As String = ListBox1.Items(ListBox1.SelectedIndex)
Dim textBuilders() As String = Split(textBuilder, " (")
For i As Integer = 0 To textBuilders.Length - 1
Dim InputText As String = RichTextBox3.Text
Dim nowdate As String = Now.ToString("yyyy/M/d")
Dim saveNow As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim hour As String = saveNow.Hour
Dim minute As String = saveNow.Minute
minute = minute - 1
Dim 上下午 As String
If hour >= 12 Then
hour = hour - 12
If hour = 0 Then
hour = 12
End If
End If
If hour <= 9 Then
hour = String.Concat("0", hour)
End If
If minute <= 9 Then
minute = String.Concat("0", minute)
End If
Dim regex As Regex = New Regex(textBuilders(0) & " \(" & nowdate & " " & AMPM & " " & hour & ":" &minute & ":[0-5]\d{1}\): (?<text>.*)")
ReDim Preserve x(0)
ReDim Preserve x(1)
If x(1) = regex.ToString Then
Exit Function
End If
If x(0) = regex.ToString Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim matches As MatchCollection = regex.Matches(InputText)
Dim intCount As Integer = 0
For Each m As Match In matches
Dim result As String = m.Groups("text").Value
intCount += 1
Me.Controls("TextBox" & intCount).Text = result
x(u) = regex.ToString
Return lCount1
Exit Function
End Function
Please help me solve the problem .
Thank you.