master details form


May 28, 2007
Programming Experience
I’m designing a form that uses a master details approach. The master information is in a form view and the details are at a datagrid view. When i enter the data it accepts the information but doesn’t save. What can I do to save the datagrid information?

Thanks in advance,
What are you trying to save to? A database? If so what kind? What objects are you using to connect to the database? Are you using a dataset and a tableadapter. Once again I need more information before I can give you an answer.
Carla you need to provide much much more information when posting questions!

Do you know how long a piece of string is?

Main question - are you using integrated Access or SQL-Express? If the answer is yes, then go to the link in my signature.

If the answer is no, then are you calling the update command on your child tableadapter correctly?

I’m designing a form that uses a master details approach. The master information is in a form view and the details are at a datagrid view. When i enter the data it accepts the information but doesn’t save. What can I do to save the datagrid information?

Thanks in advance,

You forgot to Validate() the form,
or you forgot to childBindingSource.EndEdit(),
or you forgot to childTableAdapter.Update(childDataTable) ,
or you need to read the DNU link in my signature

Read the DW2 link in my sign, section on "Displaying related data"
Do you know how long a piece of string is?
Given that string is somewhat undersally understood to be a twisted fibre line approximately 1.5 mm wide (anything narrower being thread and thicker being rope).. Somewhere between 2 mm and 11.5 kilometers, I seem to recall. Standard baling cranes cannot lift a bale of string longer than this, so you'll struggle find a bit of string longer.

Correction: bindingsource :)

Correction: bindingsource

oh yeah....there's me not paying much attention!

Given that string is somewhat undersally understood to be a twisted fibre line approximately 1.5 mm wide (anything narrower being thread and thicker being rope).. Somewhere between 2 mm and 11.5 kilometers, I seem to recall. Standard baling cranes cannot lift a bale of string longer than this, so you'll struggle find a bit of string longer.

If you knew that without looking it up, I'd suggest opening the door of your cupboard and realising there's a whole new world out there :D