Question make patch maker (binary differential update)


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Programming Experience

Hey there, any1 has any ideas on how to code a patch maker, (binary differential update) so when i run my patch maker, it output a program (*.exe) that will update files on another machine or local machine, assuming that old files to be updated to a new file having the same data in result;

and also the output patcher should be smaller in size (compressed)

i'm not that much of knowledgeable, so any1 willing to help my prob...?

plz plz plz

currently wad i could think of is a very very simple one but totally useless and not efficient and result large file size patch

1. where mine is read both file data
2. is both byte the same ?
3. [if not same ----> write down the marker value in outputfile1 and byte value in outputfile2]
3. [if same ----> do nothing]
4. read byte if available
5. (marker + 1)

the marker value is how many byte have been advanced
so with resulting patcher will read those marker values to advance
to the file address (which is the position number) and update accordingly to its byte value

outputfile1 is marker values, outputfile2 is byte values corresponding to outputfile1 marker value to advance to the byte position
Help Me With Coding A Patcher


Some1 there can share me any knowledge on how to code a program that creates a updater/patcher that update a file on another pc or a copy, assuming that the destination is older version

im little knowledge about this, resulting patcher (*.exe) that my program create, should be smaller, so its reasonable to download the patcher rather than downloading the whole copy of the new version