Hi im trying to loop through only the listviews in a group that i have on my form. Here is the code i am using at the moment:
The problem with this is that if a certain control in the grp.controls list is not a listview then the programme crashes. The same problem is present in looping through the groupboxes on the form however if there are no non-groupbox controls then the loop works. How would i loop through the list of controls and only find the listview boxes?
'disable all but the processor group to allow the form to be filled in the correct order
For Each grp As GroupBox In Me.Controls
If grp.Name <> "grpProcessors" Then
grp.Enabled = False
For Each lst As ListView In grp.Controls
For Each txt As TextBox In grp.Controls
txt.Text = ""
End If
The problem with this is that if a certain control in the grp.controls list is not a listview then the programme crashes. The same problem is present in looping through the groupboxes on the form however if there are no non-groupbox controls then the loop works. How would i loop through the list of controls and only find the listview boxes?