Looking up values across multiple DataGridViews


Active member
Jul 9, 2008
Programming Experience
Looking for the most efficient way to handle this particular issue. I have data coming in from three different sources (dbs) that cannot be joined at the transaction, so they are coming in on three different DGVs on my program.

Curious if anyone has any thoughts on the fastest and most efficient way to join or reference them. I have, for example, an "ID" column on DGV1 and DGV2. I need to match those up, and then have a column added to DGV2 that has the cooresponding "Column2" from DGV where the "ID" columns match...exactly like doing a JOIN in SQL, but because these three databases are completely detached I have to do it at the program level.
You could add relations in a dataset (do it in the visual designer, not via code; very tedious), and then iterate one datatable and ask each row for its child rows from the relations