Looking for Windows ASP .NET Webhost


New member
Jun 2, 2015
Programming Experience
I'm going to start a medium sized ecommerce site and I need a reliable web hosting company that I won't have issues with.

Must Haves:
- Support latest ASP .NET and MVC5 framework
- Dedicated IP
- Support domain aliases
- E-Mail
- SQL database
- 99%+ Uptime SLA
- Non-EIG web host

Nice To Have:
- Dedicated or semi-dedicated hosting
- Supports Web Deploy via Visual Studio
- Ability to Auto Scale during moments when the website goes viral (has happened in the past)
- Automated backups

Someone suggest me to build this with nopCommerce and buy a shared windows hosting plan at asphostportal.com. Can anyone tell me about their service? Do you see a web hosting which suits my needs?

Thanks :)
Hey, i recommend Hostforlife.eu. It is a reliable windows and asp.net web hosting with professional technical support staff who are always there for you. I have been using their server and it really make the site management much easier than ever. They also offer me unlimited data transfer and unlimited bandwidth.

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