Question Look for all files in a folder and it's sub folders by their title or subject


New member
Mar 1, 2018
Programming Experience
Hi All,
how can I open a search window, in windows that find all files that have certain title or subject. For example all the jpeg files that their title is animals. Then how can I let user to select some of them to add their path and name to a listview in my windows form.
Thank for your kindly help.
Are you talking about opening a Windows Explorer window? If so then there will be no simple way to do that. If it's even possible, it would involve Windows API functions. Why not just do it all within your app? The Directory.GetFiles method and various others can get the paths of all files that match a pattern and you can load them into a ListBox, CheckListBox, ListView or Treeview for selection.

I just noticed that second sentence. Whether you use Windows Explorer or not, I'm not aware of anything that will inherently know that a title is the name of an animal. You'd have to search for each animal name explicitly.