Often you see programs with dialog boxes that cannot be clicked away from. They always stay on top and any attempt to click to a lower window or minimize is greeted with a beep sound. eg. Open the Internet Explorer 7 Help --> About Internet Explorer page and try to click outside of the dialog box.
Is there already a property I can change to get that this behaviour in VB? I tried topMost, but you can still click at another window and steal focus.
Often you see programs with dialog boxes that cannot be clicked away from. They always stay on top and any attempt to click to a lower window or minimize is greeted with a beep sound. eg. Open the Internet Explorer 7 Help --> About Internet Explorer page and try to click outside of the dialog box.
Is there already a property I can change to get that this behaviour in VB? I tried topMost, but you can still click at another window and steal focus.