Lock Movement/Resize of MDI Child form inside the MDI parent form


New member
Jun 5, 2007
Programming Experience
I've to use a MDI design, where there a number of child mdi forms inside a parent mdi form. I was unable to find a way to lock the position of mdi child forms inside the mdi parent form. I want to make sure that at runtime the user cannot change the position of a mdi child form by dragging. any suggestions ?
an easy way...

Do this on the CHILD FORM:

set the controlbox to false

set the Text to nothing (i.e. delete whatever is in the text field)

set the formborder to FixedSingle

set the startposition to CentreParent

set the WindowState to normal

make sure the child form is smaller than the MDI Parent form.
Thanks it works ! But I was hoping if I cud retain the control Box , atleast the close button. Doing as u told removes the TitleBar completely.