Local MSSQL DB & Network Application Help.


New member
Apr 27, 2010
Programming Experience

There are a lot of questions I have in this topic, sorry & thanks in advance.

I'm very new to VB.NET and am currently trying to tackle a small project for a crash course and I've run into a couple of brick walls and would like to request some guidance if possible.

The environment for the application in hypothetically terms say I had three computers and on one computer I install the application and had it installed in a network folder to the rest of the local network to be able to run it off that PC where it is currently installed.

In my project I've added a new item (MSSQL DB) and want to access it without having to use a lengthy string for the path or even having to install MSSQL server on the client machine is this possible and easy?.

First major problem...

Currently my connection is (Notice the path and it is still using SQL Express, does this automatically go into the deployment of the project? or do I need to do something):

Private local_cs As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=true; AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\Ansego\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\ADOPrac\ADOPrac\db\mydb.mdf;User Instance=true;")

Though when I install this on another computer I believe the location will be different and the application will fail.

I remember using ASP and we had an object called map path though with using map path and I think map path was only used for web based applications, please correct me or give me an alternative.

Second problem... (Several questions)

Can multiple users for a application can start an instance by default? And can multiple users add information into a database at the same time even though the data will vary from user to user? I heard something about (Transaction) though Is this really needed for a small scale application or will I run into trouble? When I deploy this type of applications will I have troubles and what should I look out for?