Question loading image on a form


New member
Apr 13, 2012
Programming Experience
i want to load 2 images on a form thats already has an image on it.the 1st image will only appear after 5 seconds and will become invisible after some time. Only when the 1st image dissapear will the 2nd image appear and stay on the screen for 5 seconds...anyone to help me with the coding as i am a beginner....
Check out the Timer component, you can find it in Toolbox.
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As for the question, you will want to add a Timer to your form for that. Set its Interval property and Start it and it will raise its Tick event intermittently. You can handle the Tick event and do your work. To do different things each Tick you will need to store a state in one or more variables, e.g. a step number in an Integer that you increment each time. Start out just playing with the Timer to see what it can do. Also make sure that you read the appropriate MSDN documentation. Once you are comfortable with it, then you can bend it to your will for this specific task.