Question Listing All Running Processes in ListView


New member
Nov 13, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi, I have created a client and server application where the clients will be run on multiple computers while the server application will be run on the host computer in the same network.

So far I am able to list all the connected clients in a ListView on the server application with the IP addresses and computer names of the client computers.

What I am trying to do next is to add a function where it will run a new form with another ListView listing all the running processes of the particular computer when it is selected on the previous ListView.

All I know is System.Diagnostics.Process is used to display all the running processes on a computer, but I have no idea how to put things together and get it to work.

I'm really new with VB .Net and I hope someone will be able to help me with this :eek:
Process.GetProcesses will return an array of Process objects representing all the running processes on the specified machine. You can then loop through that array and, for each element, add a ListViewItem to your ListView. You would set the Text of the item to the ProcessID or ProcessName and then add a subitem to the item for each other value you want displayed.

Note that you would set the control's View to Details and then add the appropriate columns in the designer.