listbox to database


New member
Sep 5, 2006
Programming Experience
Does anyone know how ti input information from a listbox to a access database ive been searching the net and I can only find info for database to listbox.
You can/must data-bind your listbox to a dataTable and then when you are done you can call the Update() method to update the changes in your database.
A Listbox, last time I checked, was a View-only control. How do you plan on editing the information it shows?
Without considering where it's going, how would you normally get data out of a ListBox? Without considering where it's come from, how would you normally get data into a database? This is called divide and conquer. You break the big problem up into smaller problems and once you've solved all the smaller problems you have inherently solved the big problem. You don't need a code example that specifically takes data from a ListBox and puts it in a database. If you know how to get data out of a ListBox and you know how to get data into a database then your problem simply reduces to getting the data from the format in which it comes out of the ListBox into the format required to put it into a database. That comes down to putting strings in a DataTable. Not hard at all.