Hello i have this..
What im trying to do is, Make ListBox5 select the index of ListBox4 Selected Item (The Matching Ones).. example: I have the files of the same in two listboxes, Then in ListBox4, it selects The first Item (Got that bit), Then it selects the item of the exact same string as listbox4 selected item to select in listbox5..
Please help, Thanks
ListBox4.SelectedIndex = 0
Dim mrc As Integer = ListBox5.FindString(ListBox5.Items.IndexOf(ListBox4.SelectedItem))
ListBox5.SelectedIndex = mrc
Dim lb4 As Integer = ListBox4.Items.IndexOf(ListBox4.SelectedItem)
What im trying to do is, Make ListBox5 select the index of ListBox4 Selected Item (The Matching Ones).. example: I have the files of the same in two listboxes, Then in ListBox4, it selects The first Item (Got that bit), Then it selects the item of the exact same string as listbox4 selected item to select in listbox5..
Please help, Thanks
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