Hello, I have a have the following question. I have a text file with 8 groups and each group has 8 questions/statements. For each argument can be chosen out of 5 answers. Each answer represents a value. Each group has a unique number and the statements also have a unique number. The listbox is filled with the questions, a new form with 5 checkboxes is displayed when a question is clicked. Is it somehow possible to create a relationship between the in the listbox, and the activated (chosen answer) checkbox? I want to count the values of the check boxes (each answer has a value) per main group (number) and write the result in a text file write. Processing the data in a database seems like a bridge too far, if I can take this bridge already .... I have little experience with VB.NET and would like some tips, examples or get suggestions where to start. Thanks for the effort (to read)