Jpeg 2000


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2006
Programming Experience

This format becomes very popular. Every day more and more people start using it.
Actually it gives amazing result regard compression of the raw images, tiff images etc.
So, i was wondering how .NET handles this particular format?
When you save an image you can set up the format but the Jpeg2000 is missing.

bitmapInstance.Save(Application.StartupPath & "\image.jpg", Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)

I know there must be codec but i also noticed that when you type Imaging. the intellisense offer two classes like ImageCodecInfo and ImageCodecFlags so i was wondering maybe there is a way to make it with only VB.NET.

Thanks :)
There is no .NET support for the format. There are some third-party components that offer support so it's obviously possible to implement the codec yourself. How difficult that might be is the issue, plus you may have to pay royalties to the authors of the format to legally implement it. I'm not sure of that but it's something to consider. At the very least you'd have to understand the format in order to implement a codec. You'd also probably have trouble making it efficient in purely managed code, if it's even possible.
Actually i came with the same conclusion after researching the matter in details.
However, thanks for the reply. It is nice of you :)