Issue inserting data into listbox


New member
Dec 25, 2007
Programming Experience
I have a database which cotains constumer info, I need to loop through an entire row and insert all the data into a listbox. Im having trouble with the loop part, how do I specify the parameters of the loop if I cant specify the end of the data? Ive tried using a SPACE, -1 like it was a text file and "". Basicaly the app is meant to generate estimates for construction projects. i need it to store all the previous estimates done. they also need to be editable. I am new to and a database sounded easier than creating a text file for each estimate. comments / suggestions / critics are/is welcome.
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I don't understand why you'd be looping through a single row and inserting each field. Surely you'd be looping through a table and inserting the value from the same column each time. Even better, just bind the table to the control.

Can you please describe in more detail the structure of your data? Also, show us the code you're trying to use at the moment.