Isdesposed Property


Active member
Aug 23, 2012
Programming Experience
Hi i am new in vb. my question is that what does the isdesposed property and generaly whe we use it

Thanks in advance
Firstly, please don't post the same question more than once. If you need to change something then either edit your existing post or add a new post. If necessary, use the Report Post icon to request help from a moderator to perform an action that you can't, e.g. delete a thread.

As for the question, why exactly do you want to know? It's rare for a beginner to start with a specific property and ask why it would be used. It's more usual that they want to achieve something and they ask what property or method to use in order to do it. Your question sounds more like homework. Is it? We're not here to do your homework for you.

If you want to know what the IsDisposed property is for then the first thing to do would be to read the documentation for that property. If you want to see how it might be used then you should look online for examples of it being used in code.