Is TCP/IP communication universal?


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2006
South Africa
Programming Experience
One question: can any two PC's on any platform communicate using TCP/IP?

The reason I'm asking is because I want to communicate (through TCP/IP) between a PC using linux and a PC using Windows (XP most of the time). In theory it should work? Or does it depend on how the packets are sent/received between the PC's or how the packets are formatted? (But since TCP/IP is a standardised protocol they should all be the same?).

I'm guessing that at low-level they can communicate without any problems but that this level isn't visible. That rather, we can can only see high-level and only use what ever controls and components are available, and that these high-level ctrls/comps are what may cause difficulty (since they don't provide any modification)?

*scratch* Is it possible? Does anyone have any ideas on the subject? Any information that can be provided would be really useful.
Bleh... well, since nobody's bothered to reply I'll post what I've learned... In so far as I've experienced (Mainly between Linux and Windows) any two PC's can communicate through TCP/IP. Using the System.Net.Sockets namespace it's actually really easy... no special software is needed on either side (unless there's one I don't know about). It's exactly the same as communicating between two Windows PC's. Every communication there was a header error but all the packets went through successfully without any problems.

In short TCP/IP is God's gift to programmers because it's universality is F***ing awesome! (is universality a word? *goes to google it* did you know that the verb 'google' is in the dictionary? go figure)