Is It possible to put an RSS feed into an application?


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi there!,

I'm semi new to visual basic, and I wanted to know if it is possible to make an RSS feed in visual basic that updates through a homepage that I give a link to and will post the information about the homepage in a text box or in seperate labels and perhaps have them link to the feed it is getting the info from. This I slikely far fetched but if there is any way to bring an RSS feed into the picture for my launcher for world of Warcraft that I am making customly, it would be much appreciated. (Yes I know the regular wow launcher is good but I have a custom one I made with command buttons that lead to forums and homepage and play retail wow along with a private server command button) please help if anyone can :)

PS:sorry for double post, I put it In the wrong place the first time around.
damn, I just typed a big answer and the page re-loaded and I lost it. great.
anyway, let me try to repeat it:

your short answer: yes it is possible.
But just don't expect ppl here (or any other forum) to be typing the code for you.
I quickly googled " rss reader" and it seems to be a lot of nice articles and examples on the subject.
and if you have more specific questions about bits that are not working make sure to come back and ppl will be keen to look into the details.