Input Option Into A Link?


New member
Mar 9, 2006
Programming Experience
hallo everyone,
i am a bit new in programming and i would like to ask u all about something defficult for me.
well i have a link for example ""
where the "6944444444" is a defult mobile phone number (this site has not an extension at the end like html etc and i hope that help)
to the point now i want to have into my form a TextBox in which i will write any phone and the vb will put it into the previous link
something like this but in visual basic code :)
if TextBox text = 6945217321
then System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore", "")
and finally i want a button (the submit button) which will open the last link with the number of the TextBox
i dont know if i ask for many things but i think it is possible
thanks in advance for ur time and convinience
One tip if you start a new process with a webaddress, it will open in default browser.
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("[URL=""][/URL]" & TextBox1.Text)
Of course you would want to add some validation to what text is in the TextBox before you try to open the webpage.

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oh i m sorry for the duplicate wrong window thanks for the code it works fine now i have one last question. Before a few months i heard of a program called ''msn messenger account freezer" that program as i can undertand uses the site of the hotmail and it brute force the password box (with a text dictionary) but when u start the program of course it doesnt loads u 1 millon sites for every password of the list so i think that there is a way to make the links open in the backround..... so i ask if there is any command for this:rolleyes:
thanks again for the help and time