Initiate local copy from remote admin PC?


Active member
Jul 28, 2006
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Programming Experience
Hi, folks.

I'm about to embark on a fairly important project using .NET.
What I'll need to do is initiate a file copy from a PC ("A") to a workgroup server ("B") using an admin PC ("C").

The idea here is to run this administrative task from, say, my own PC using an interface that allows me to enter the remote PC's name "A" and the remote workgroup server's name "B".

The file path I need to copy is stored in A's registry and I'm fetching that data with no problem right now, but I'm doing so locally (not from "C" yet).

I've been poring over documents referring to "IIS" and System.Management namespace, but the namespace doesn't appear to be valid in my install of VS.NET 2003 and the examples seem so varied and deep that it seems to me that I must be going too deep. There's bound to be some way to achieve this basic idea without wading into all that. Isn't there?

So, is there some general namespace or area of .NET I should be looking at for the basics of this concept? I'm not looking for anyone to write this thing for me, but some hints or link suggestions would be very much appreciated to get started on the right track.