Inherited Form Problem


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Cambridge, UK
Programming Experience
Hi all, I'm having some trouble with inheritance and i'd be glad of some assistance...

I have a base form in my app from which all other forms inherit. It contains properties and a few controls that are inherent to all my app's forms. However when i click a button in my inherited form i thought that it would run the code in the base class. But no.....
I've played aroud with it loads, i.e making it overridable, changing the modifiers but to no avail.
Can anyone help?:confused:
that sounds extremely weird

whenever you inherit from something, it inherits everything even the code for any buttons that are on the baseform
i've never had a problem like that, post the baseform and one of the other forms from your project and perhaps we can figure it out
Feel free to call me anything you like because i'm a total donut!!!
I had used a custom button control that i has designed and neglected to add code into the button to perfom the click event. So it wasnt the inherited form that wasn't working it was my button.
Quite funny if you think about it!!
Thanks anyway JuggaloBrotha