Importing a crystal inside another


New member
Apr 25, 2007
Programming Experience
hai, i am in some confussion like i have created one crystal report say master heading , the fields which are accessing from table"Comapny_Details", now i have created another report "salesreport" which accessing field from anohter table say "Sales", my problem is i cant able to imports the "master heading" to "salesreport", reson is both the tables are not at al related so cant able to link 2 tables, i hope any body give a way to solve this issue:)
I think you want to 'INSERT' a subreport.
Right click on the main report, choose Insert -> Subreport and navigate to your master heading report. Drop it onto the report header section or elsewhere and you should be good to go. Each report functions on it's own, so there is no need to link the tables. There is a way to link main and subreports, let me know if you need that information.

Hope that helps.
but admin window popups

b4 al thanks for the ur grace, i could able to add a subreport to main report, but when i inserted a code like
Dim MainReport As New YourMainReportName

in my subreport also with out this code also while exicuting administrator window popups and asking for subreports db path n password etc...
i have posted the details of what i needed... plz give me the sol..