Import Excel file to Access DB on remote server


Sep 19, 2007
Programming Experience
hi guys,

the organisation that I work for has a website using an access db (mdb file) hosted on a server running .net 1.1 and currently the web site is able to list a number of members of the organisation that it pulls out of a 'members' table in the access db. the current web site is able to export all the members info to a csv file and is also able to add and edit individual members. I've been asked to create functionality to import an entire excel spreadsheet into the members table. at present I'm using visual studio 2005 to do all my coding so what I thought I might do to add this functionality is to create a windows forms project to import the excel spreadsheet into the database (as the hosting platform doesn't support .net 2.0). is there some way of interfacing my app with the access db on the server? I've also thought of grabbing a copy of VS 2003 to create .net 1.1 compatible code, but I hear that the RAD data tools in VS 2003 aren't as good as those in VS 2005, so this is not a preferable option...

thanks in advance,

Easiest way I can think of doing that is just to upload the file to the webserver, and have the server use the Jet OleDb provider (same as it uses for Access) to connect to the Excel file and read the data out, then write it into the access db..
hey cjard. thanks for the reply.

the way that you describe is what i originally wanted to do using the problem, however, is that the web host that the organisation uses (, on the plan that they are on, only uses .net 1.1. I'm using VS 2005 which compiles to .net 2.0. i was thinking of possibly going back to VS 2003 because that compiles to .net 1.1. i've also checked out MSbee which is a VS powertoy that allows you to build .net 1.1 assemblies from VS 2005, but i've been having problems using that.
so essentially i wanted to know if there was any way of doing this using VS 2005?


It would be easier to ask the host to upgrade or dump them and move your hosting elsewhere.. It's now 2007, and your webspace provider is still plugging away with 4 year old technology because they are too luddite to install the 2 year old one?

That said, I do believe that you can write aspx pages in notepad if you need to, and the server will compile them.. It's not mandatory that you use VS for this at all..

Because access is a file based database, you'd have to download it, update it and re-upload it. There isnt much scope for connecting to it remotely unless your web provider would be prepared to enable file sharing or VPN over the internet for you (and lets face it.. if they cant even install the .NET 2 FW on one of their IIS boxes, youre not going to get them to open that security hole)
hey cjard,

thanks for the infos. i guess you're right about the web host. i'll have a look at either upgrading the plan or moving to another host. :)

thanks for all your help.
