Images not displaying in Internet Control


New member
Apr 2, 2007
Programming Experience
The application I'm working on has an Internet control (AxWebBrowser) for displaying product information (from a 3rd party website) after the user purchases a product. It works flawlessly for most of the application but for our Demo mode where we won't have internet access I had to create a simple HTML page that is a copy of one of the HTML pages that would show in the normal system.
The HTML page displays fine except for two header and one footer. These images are placed in the correct directory with the HTML file and if I view the HTML file under IE6 or Firefox the images show up. These images display fine if the program is running in regular mode and the Internet control is displaying the actual webpage from the 3rd party website. The only time the images don't display is when it is showing the local HTML file that I created (which again, works perfectly if I view it through IE or Firefox).

anyone have a clue why this is?
another piece of the puzzle.
if you right-click and select "Properties" on the image when under the normal running mode you see the full "http://" address for the image under the "Address" properties information.
If you do the same for the image under the Demo mode the Address displays as "about:blank\imagename.jpg"