Being new to I am sure I am doing to something really stupid here. But I cannot seem to get my image resources to load into PictureBox1. I can see all the images I added as resources in the solution explorer. They are a series of PNG files with names associated with countries. I am at the beginning stages of randomly changing the image that is displayed in PictureBox1, but I cannot even get the first image to load. Here is my code so far. When I click on Button2 I can see that my array returns a random country, but no image loads. I even tried typing in several of the countries names as well as the country name followed by png (e.g. chine.png) and again no image loads. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Public Class Form1
Dim randomObject As New Random()
Dim Flags() As String = {"australia", "brazil", "china", "italy", "russia", "south africa", "spain"}
Dim flagResult1 As Integer
Dim flagResult2 As Integer
Dim flagResult3 As Integer
Dim flagResult4 As Integer
Dim flagResult5 As Integer
Public Function randomFlag() As Integer
Dim flagIndex = randomObject.Next(0, 7)
Return flagIndex
End Function
Sub ChooseFlag(ByVal flagImage As PictureBox)
Dim pictureResource As Image
Dim Country As String
flagResult1 = randomFlag()
Country = Flags(flagResult1)
With Label1
.Text = Country
End With
pictureResource = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(Country)
PictureBox1.Image = CType(pictureResource, Image)
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Button2.Enabled = False
End Sub
End Class