Image recognition issues ..(or just convert images)


Active member
Apr 19, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi all...

I am doing a screen scraping application of another application.
I am basically writing a poker coach for the various online poker sites

I am reading the cards by grabbing portions of the screen and comparing them to the images of the cards.

All that is fine and good. (except I wonder if there is a better OCR type of approach if anyone knows about one)

but the problem I have is that the bitmap that gets created from the screen scrape are different depending on the users display settings. (the pixel format and vert & horz resolution change)

This makes it difficult to compare them to the bitmaps of the known cards to see if they match.

I was thinking of converting each bitmap to the giff format and then comparing those, or converting both to a common pixel format.

the problem is that I cant seem to find an easy way to do it without saving the files (which is absolutely impracticle since this happens 50 times a second or so)

Can anyone either show a way to convert two images to a common format so I can compare them, or figure out a way to compare different formats.

Or sugest different ways to solve this issue??

Thanx guys