image analysis


New member
Oct 20, 2006
Programming Experience
I've never tried to analyze images before.

I want to be able to capture images from a camera and analyze them.

Nothing too complicated. I just want to be able to detect a dot moving across the screen and be able to assign a location to that point. The dot can vary in size and there's only two colors, dot = white and background = red.

I'm already able to capture images from a webcam, but I don't know how to go about proceeding to the next step.

Any help, or hints?

BTW I use
Color information

Does GetPixel only return color information, or can I get it to return a numerical value of a color, so that I can place the numerical color information for the entire picture into a string?

If a string is possible, what does the code look like for

Thanks again
It returns value of type Color. You can translate that to other value representations like Win32 integer or Html hex string with the ColorTranslator class. For example:
Dim c As Color = Color.Brown
Dim c32 As Integer = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(c)
Dim cHtml As String = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(c)